We are an open writer’s collective of sex-positive peeps with various backgrounds from all over the world. We learn and relearn sex education through real life storytelling. After all, story is what connects us. It opens our awareness of different circumstances, options and opinions. It teaches us about ourselves.
Anyone can work with us. Through the internet we collaborate and form a sex positive community around the art made and the personal stories shared.
Launched in Dec. 2012, this website is an open and growing archive dedicated to sex education through story-telling. Together we make text, images, and video.
- Condom Monologuers strive to make their stories speak fun, challenging or unheard perspectives on what is sexual safety.
- We are inclusive: This is a safe space that celebrates people’s diversity and challenges preconceived ideas. To do this, we have an open editorial policy that aims to be judgement-free while protecting people’s opinions from discrimination.
- We are collaborative! Editors and contributors drive the content together. All final illustrations and animations are approved by the storyteller.
This is inspired by Eve Ensler’s play, Vagina Monologues, which provokes discussion of empowerment and female sexuality. Only here, we focus on the different meanings of “safer” sex that are relevant to the diversity of people. As much as we want, not everyone’s experience is represented here but we aim to be as inclusive as possible and are trying to create a medium that can constantly re-develop while remaining a safe, helpful resource for all.
We want to dispel harmful myths about safe sex and sexual stereotypes that permeate our ways of understanding what is “healthy sexuality”. We do this through sex-positive, pleasure-focused approaches to sex and sexuality that affirm the diversity of people- genders, sexualities, kinks and relationships.
Active research and content: Our articles are arranged by four main categories- Monologues, Safe Sex Advice, Condom Guides & Charts, and Activism. The site will continuously update articles about safer sex “how-tos” for different people. There are safe sex product guides, size charts and facts sheets, extensive external resources and advise answers. We interview sex-positive professionals and collaborate with non-profits to help raise awareness about relevant causes.
Be a part of our project to define sex positivity, as an individual and a community movement. Join the #mysexpositivity series.
Interactive content: Each post includes a question/answer and discussion section which we monitor to keep respectful for everyone. The admins are working on a way to solicit more feedback on content and facilitate respectful peer-to-peer discussion boards.
Collective Monologues blog: Anyone can share experiences, story-tell, and ask questions anonymously (or otherwise) through our Monologues Sharing page. This is an ever-expanding archive that is developing into a multimedia channel to engage storytellers and listeners in visual, audio, video, and animated platforms. Contact us for support or with question about how to make your story audio/visual. Post an experience, an opinion, a question, a joke, etc.
Anyone can participate with Condom Monologues; everyone can share a story.
Read our Call for Contributors
The admins are currently working on establishing a sturdy and viable feedback channel for people to share advice, and state educational wants and needs. Please contact us at admin@condommonologues.com with any questions, comments and feedback. Remember, we are a bully-free space, so feel free to write to us about anything and know that mocking, shaming and hate speech are unwelcomed and censored.
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