Category: HIV Series

  • 3 People and An HIV Positive Baby?

    3 People and An HIV Positive Baby?

    The problem is so common there is a term for it. Andrew shares his personal struggle trying to deter the “bug chasers” from his “gift” (NSFW). I have been around the block quite a lot and I thought I had seen and read everything and that nothing would shock me…but I was wrong! A few…

  • I Always Thought I’d Be Skinny.

    I Always Thought I’d Be Skinny.

    Like a lot of people, I always used to think someone with HIV or AIDS was going to be super skinny, so when I was diagnosed in 2005 I thought, “Yes, never fat again“. Looking back with what  I now know (Including my own waist line) I realise that this is not case. Yes, some people…

  • Ewwww, you have what?

    Ewwww, you have what?

    For Andrew, the end of STI and disease stigma beings at the disclosure process. He finds that being open, matter-of-fact and disclosing his HIV status without shame is the most effective method- no beating around the bush. What is your approach to receiving or giving an STI disclosure?   It was like any other day where you…

  • Dear Husband, When Will The Condom Come Off?

    Dear Husband, When Will The Condom Come Off?

    The reality of TasP (treatment as prevention) is having a profound effect of serodiscordant couples today. Scientific evidence shows that under certain conditions, the risk of HIV transmission is so low that doctors now recommend some serodiscordant couple have condomless sex if they want to get pregnant. But for many, updated evidence cannot match the…

  • Dear AIDS Service Orgs, your condom campaign isn’t working.

    Dear AIDS Service Orgs, your condom campaign isn’t working.

    We need to question the efficacy of pushing condoms as the only safe sex choice. The condom campaign does not seem to be working anymore and people are not getting the message. Yet Aids Service Organizations (ASOs) continue with this message. Granted, with PrEP there is a shift in responsibility that goes beyond those already…

  • Cowboy Boots & HIV

    Cowboy Boots & HIV

    After my HIV diagnosis I basically shut down and withdrew from everyone for a long time while I struggled to make sense out of it, to understand what exactly HIV was and how I contracted it. I thought at the time it was a virus that affected only gay men, along with many other misconceptions…

  • Great Sex & HIV – Is it Possible?

    Great Sex & HIV – Is it Possible?

    I know it is possible to have good sex with a partner who is HIV negative. I did it for years. As I look back, the fear and frenzy about HIV transmission was more manageable back then, more so than now when the mere mention of HIV to potential sex partners causes them to behave…

  • How I Met Wanda

    How I Met Wanda

    Upon yet another relationship break-up due to disclosing her HIV status, Virgina meets Wanda. I was dating a guy for a short while and it was the same old story. He was head over heels until I disclosed my HIV status. He insisted it was not a problem but every day he became more distant…

  • Dear Dental Dam,

    Dear Dental Dam,

    There is no way I am having you cover my vagina while my partner performs oral sex on me. It is simply not going to happen. I would rather have no oral sex at all, because you sound like torture, kind of like licking ice cream through the screen door. I am having this rant…

  • #WithoutShame: Storytelling about HIV

    #WithoutShame: Storytelling about HIV

    To combat the spread of HIV and stigma, we need honest discussions that go beyond politically correct ways of representing today’s realities about the virus without oversimplifying and shaming. That is what these two digital stories offer. Watch and listen. Real life storytelling is a powerful way to raise awareness about HIV and stigma. Stories…