Category: In The News

  • Yes, Condoms Deserve A Holiday Too!

    Yes, Condoms Deserve A Holiday Too!

    Forget the Valentine’s Day candies and roses. What better way to gear up for Vday romance than celebrating International Condom Day! (#ICD2015 to you, Twitter.) February 13th marks this holiday of awareness as a time to educate and celebrate safer sex. World, be prepared for thousands of free condom dispensaries and numerous safer sex events…

  • #TwitterWTF? Let’s change their condom stance

    #TwitterWTF? Let’s change their condom stance

    Social businesses who exists to normalize and improve public knowledge of safer sex are not allowed to extend their messages on Twitter. Twitter’s ad policy is under pressure to change their convoluted and conservative stance against condom (and other contraception) promotion. This week, Melissa White, founder and CEO of Lucky Bloke, sent a letter to…

  • Why Condoms Get a Bad Wrap: Renewing emphasis on pleasure

    Why Condoms Get a Bad Wrap: Renewing emphasis on pleasure

    Is it correct to suggest that condom-bashing is more common than condom-loving?  From personal experience, when I speak with people about safer sex the following is often used to describe condoms: “It keeps my partner and me from getting close”, “It disrupts intimacy”; “…It’s unnatural”, “…a mood killer”, “I can’t feel anything with a condom on”,…

  • Bad Sex Ed in the News

    Bad Sex Ed in the News

    We give the low down on public sex education debates hitting headlines the past 6 months. There’s been a lot of coverage. Some jaw-drop appalling. Some inspiring. It was difficult to limit ourselves to 10! This year has seen a lot of students standing up for their rights to access of medically accurate, relevant sexual…

  • ‘V-Gals’: The other WWII enemy

    ‘V-Gals’: The other WWII enemy

    The Daily Mail and MSN Now published an exhibit of 1940s sexual health posters raising awareness about the spread of gonorrhea and syphilis.  What’s striking is the way these images packaged moral stigma.  Women, particularly sex workers, “loose” women and “victory gals” were portrayed as the sinful source of venereal disease.  Copying war-style propaganda, some…

  • Non-Rolling Condoms Look Like This…

    Non-Rolling Condoms Look Like This…

    A California-based company is hoping to revolutionize protective barriers by introducing the Origami Condom (company website). Their three condom types are currently under clinical testing and are expected to hit the market by 2015, but already the prototype has received much attention. Speculations range from eager “Fuck yeahs!” to fearful “Hell nos” like Linda Sharps’ worry…

  • The “Condom Girl”: Condom Policing is Gender Policing

    The “Condom Girl”: Condom Policing is Gender Policing

    “What do you do when you’re detained by powerful officials, everything you say is presumed deceptive, arbitrary “evidence” is held against you, and you’re treated like a moral deviant? And what if its 2013, you’re a woman, and the “evidence” is that you possess condoms?”- Clay Nikiforuk  In March 2013, Clay Nikiforuk was detained at…

  • Contraceptive Contraptions: A history of the condom

    Contraceptive Contraptions: A history of the condom

    A site about condoms and condom stories is never complete, and neither is the lavish, outlandish history of the device.  It’s history is full of insights into human character with all its flaws and foibles. The invention of the latex condom is relatively new in modern history.  However, the principle to protect against sexually transmitted diseases…

  • Condoms Make Me Horny!  Tips for making condoms more erotic

    Condoms Make Me Horny! Tips for making condoms more erotic

    I’m sure you know, or at least have heard of someone who claims that condoms make sex feel less good.  Condoms (and other safe sex tools) don’t have the best reputation.  It doesn’t help that we rarely see safer sex happening in media representations of sex that is hot, fun, or romantic.  But it doesn’t…

  • More Condoms In Pop: The need to popularize safer sex

    More Condoms In Pop: The need to popularize safer sex

    A recent study by researchers at Stanford Medical School reveals that a large portion of young women are irresponsible in bed, meaning they ain’t protecting themselves.  The year-long study collected data from 1,194 sexually active females aged 15 to 24 who visited Planned Parenthood clinics and were beginning contraceptive pills, patches, injections, or vaginal rings…