Category: Conscience Condoms

  • Yes, Condoms Deserve A Holiday Too!

    Yes, Condoms Deserve A Holiday Too!

    Forget the Valentine’s Day candies and roses. What better way to gear up for Vday romance than celebrating International Condom Day! (#ICD2015 to you, Twitter.) February 13th marks this holiday of awareness as a time to educate and celebrate safer sex. World, be prepared for thousands of free condom dispensaries and numerous safer sex events…

  • GLYDE Vegan Condom Size Chart

    GLYDE Vegan Condom Size Chart

    GLYDE has one major advantage on the market. These are the ONLY latex condoms and dams officially certified by the Vegan Society which means they are animal/dairy-free (no casein) and do not support animal testing. They’re also Fair Trade to help protect worker rights. Finally, GLYDE donates 15% of sales of its Red Ribbon condoms…

  • Non-Rolling Condoms Look Like This…

    Non-Rolling Condoms Look Like This…

    A California-based company is hoping to revolutionize protective barriers by introducing the Origami Condom (company website). Their three condom types are currently under clinical testing and are expected to hit the market by 2015, but already the prototype has received much attention. Speculations range from eager “Fuck yeahs!” to fearful “Hell nos” like Linda Sharps’ worry…