Love ’em! This must be one of my favorite condoms. Never breaks. Never slips. And funny enough, according to the Durex website, these are the same size as Durex’s XXL! Oh the strange world of marketing. Which reminds me, Durex also felt the need to give a little gift in each of Love packaging, like a cereal box toy: It’s a stick-on tattoo of a mischievous devil that seems to be impersonating Cupid. Is this suppose to intice kinkiness? I think it’s a lame attempt of “interactive” marketing. Personally, I’ve never found the need for this. Fetishes can be found outside the box. Does anyone disagree?
Anyway, this condom has a minimal oder of latex, it’s smooth and very elastic, making it easy to roll on, and its sensitivity is great- very comparable to any “Ultra Sensitive” brand.
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