By Takeallah Russell
Thank you for your aesthetically appealing packaging.
Thank you for your thin, soft sheath.
Thank you for your flexible rings.
Thank you for your ample lubrication.
Thank you for not being tight and constricting.
Thank you for warming to my body temperature.
Thank you for your clitoral stimulation.
Thank you for shielding my external genitalia.
Thank you for not requiring an erection in order to stay in place.
Thank you for not requiring immediate withdrawal after ejaculation.
Thank you for allowing me to share responsibility for preventing infection and pregnancy with my partner.
Thank you for allowing me to be in control.
Thank you for allowing me to take back my sexuality.
How long is your list of gratitudes? To learn more about the awesomness of female condoms check out her coalition: National Female Condom Coalition.
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