How Many Times Can You Change A Condom To Latex Free?

Well, if you are Durex Avanti you can be transformed at least three times.

As the world’s most widely distributed condom brand, Durex have a lot of strings to their pleasure bow: offering consumers an abundance of various shapes, textures, lubes and sex accessories to choose from. When it comes to latex free options, however, the company puts the onus on just one condom, yet even this single choice is not without confusion. Durex Avanti, previously the name of their latex-free rubber, is in fact a latex condom. The non-latex option has been recently rebranded Avanti Bare Real Feel™. In fact, this latex-free option has been through a few rebranding rotations. DurexNonLatexArticle

In 2008, it was replaced from being made of polyurethane to synthetic polyisoprene. Polyurethane is a type of soft plastic; polyisoprene is the latest latex-free technology, chemically similar to rubber latex but without the proteins that cause allergic reactions (see our article about the differences). In Europe, the product’s current name is simply, and explicitly, “Latex Free”. The North America version, however, is not so straight forward.

Michael Gesek, from Durex Consumer Relations Canada, explained to Condom Monologues, that when multinational consumer goods company Reckitt Benckiser took over Durex in 2011 they lost supply of the materials to make Avanti Bare and thus it was discontinued in North America. Recently the polyisoprene product was secured again and is renamed Avanti Bare Real Feel. Besides the (longer) new name, nothing is different about this new polyisoprene rubber. It’s now rolling out on store shelves.

However, few consumers know that Durex did not offer latex-free condoms for a period in the midst of company turn over. In fact, Avanti Bare went from being made of polyisoprene to becoming just a standard latex condom. Yet despite this very dramatic product change, Durex kept the name and package similar to the latex free version- as if condom shopping isn’t confusing already!

As expressed by Melissa White, CEO of Lucky Bloke, this move was irresponsible and “a major packaging fail!” In response, Lucky Bloke listed a consumer warning on their site. It’s unclear what Durex’s strategy was for informing the public about this change. One may assume that when Durex lost supply of the polyisoprene condom, they may have sent a notice to selective distributors with the expectation that sellers would inform consumers. To the best of her knowledge, Melissa White does not recall any advanced warning from Durex.

So, please be aware that Durex does offer a latex-free condom now, just make sure not to pick up the former Avanti Bare and read packaging extra carefully!

This article is meant to clear up confusion around Durex’s non-latex options. We include a link to our affiliates at Lucky Bloke which may earn us a small commission.

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3 responses to “How Many Times Can You Change A Condom To Latex Free?”

  1. Stevie Wilson Avatar

    if they put a product on the shelf that has SERIOUS health complications (like a latex allergy) and sell with a LATEX FREE label and it’s made out of latex, they are at risk of being SUED for the damage. Latex allergies are quite prevalent! People with serious latex allergies can have hives or even anaphylaxis.. requiring epi-pens to be carried. It’s a scary situation when big companies put an individuals’ health at serious risk. PEOPLE DIE from latex allergy. They face a HUGE lawsuit by putting that labeling on the shelf. If not a wrongful death lawsuit, it’s a few instances of big hospital bills ..and it will be class action time\

    1. Ian Avatar

      Thanks for your comment! You are right to bring up such a crucial point regarding just how serious latex allergies can be. Just to clarify here: Durex did not falsely label Avanti Bare as latex-free. However, when Durex temporary discontinued their non-latex condom, they replaced the same name, Avanti Bare, with a latex condom; they put it in a similarly colored box and titled it “latex”. Using the same name as a once-upon-a-time non-latex condom can make it really confusing for people! But I’m glad that they’ve finally reintroduced a latex-free option with a completely different package.

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