Tag: dental dams

  • Non-Latex Condom & Dam Size Chart

    Non-Latex Condom & Dam Size Chart

    banana measure tapeThe world of non-latex condoms is a mysterious one. There aren’t many options. In another post we confirm that there is no such thing as flavored non-latex barriers. Also, most manufacturers do not make “special” sizes for non-latex. By special, I mean anything smaller or larger than 2.1″/53mm base wide and 7.5″/190mm long. Some brands offer sizing information on their packaging, such as Lifestyles’ SKYN and Glyde. But most remain vague.

    Each of our size guides offers non-latex options (see our main condom chart or try our condom size calculator for a quicker search). We have consolidated that information into this post to make dimensions easier to find.  This chart is organized by “Regular” and “Large”. There is no “small” or “snug” size non-latex.  Scroll to the bottom for female condoms (sometimes called “internal condoms”) and sex dams.

    Read more about the differences between polyisoprene and polyurethane.

    (Some external links may be affiliate links that earn us a small commission but this information is not sponsored by any company.  All opinions and advice are our own).

    Non-Latex Regular

    Trojan Supra BareSkin
    Made of polyurethane. Trojan’s only non-latex male condom.
    Classic straignt shape
    Base width: 2.1″/53mm
    Length: 7.9″ /200mm

    LifeStyles Original SKYN and LifeStyles Skyn Extra Lubricated
    Polyisoprene. Praised as the first to make the market- the rest followed.
    Base width: 2.1″/53mm
    Length: 7.5″/190mm

    Non-Latex Large

    LifeStyles’ SKYN Large

    This is the first ever LARGE polyisoprene condom.
    It’s wider than most large condoms but not quite as long.  Ideal for thicker than average men.
    Base width: 2.2″/56mm
    Length: 7.8″/200mm

    Female Condoms

    FC2 Female Condom
    Latex free, made of nitrile synthetic rubber. Here is FC2 official site.
    As of now, there is still a one-size-fits-all approach to female condoms.
    Opening width: 3.0″ / 76mm
    Length: 7.2″/ 185mm

    Non-latex Sex Dams

    Hot Dams!
    Made of polyurethane. These are the only non-latex we could find.  Do you know of other options (besides saran plastic wrap!).
    No flavor added.  Standard size.
    6″ X 8″/152mm X 203mm

    Dams and condoms are extra special when lubricant is involved.  Don’t forget to use this essential item.

    Confused about what condom width fits your penis girth? Simply divide you penis girth by 2.25 (penis girth/2.25 = condom width). Read how we got this formula.

    If you think we’ve missed a condom (or dam) or have questions please comment below. Follow us on Twitter – Facebook – G+ for updates.

    This site contains affiliate links. When you purchase products through these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions help support our work in providing comprehensive sexual health information. We carefully select our affiliate partners and only recommend products we believe will be valuable to our readers. While we may receive compensation for purchases made through these links, this does not influence our reviews or recommendations. All opinions expressed are our own.
  • Flavored Non-Latex Condoms

    Flavored Non-Latex Condoms

    Do they exist? We’ve been asked this question a few times. It’s hard to believe that the condom market would overlook this specific and important need. Unfortunately, after deep digging we did not uncover a non-latex flavored condom or dam. So what’s the orally-minded to do? 

    lips lubes**If you are surprised to hear that people do use protective barriers for oral sex than you need to read our post on why and how to protect yourself. Other trusted resources include Scarleteen and The Body. (Some external links are affiliates).

    Skip to the end for more about flavored non-latex sex dams. No flavored non-latex male condoms were found. We searched over 20 condom retail sites, flipped through hundreds of flavored options paraben-free, sugar-free, vegan, organic fruit extracts but it seems non-latex also equals non-flavor.  And ditch your resolve to find a dry, non-lubricated, non-latex barrier because those don’t exist either! (see plastic wrap below).

    In general, the popular assumption must be that polyisoprene and polyurethane condoms aren’t manufactured with that latexy aftertaste and smell. So what’s the point of flavoring them?  Personally, I have never smelled or tasted anything from standard lubricated polyisoprene condoms (so far I’ve only tried original Lifestyles Skyn). Others have stated that polyurethane also has no-to-little scent and taste. But everyone is different. If you do not like the scent and taste of non-latex we have two important suggestions for you.

    Left with these non-latex limitation, here are two options (comment below if you have more ideas).

    1) Add your own flavored lube.

    Flavored lubricants come in all sorts of variety. Rain offers 8 flavored single packs. From Undercovercondoms.com
    Flavored lubricants come in all sorts of variety. Rain offers 8 flavored single packs. From Undercovercondoms.com

    Think of non-latex as a clean plate that you can fill up with your personal buffet of hundreds of flavors and sensations. Literally hundreds. Flavored lubes are designed for oral sex.  Yes, they are safe to ingest (you only need a drop or two). Plus, lube does more than just mask condom tastes nice. It greatly heightens sensation, body heat transfer and can be lots of fun. Experiment! However, you may be allergic to an ingredient such as glycerin or silicon, so check the content. Also, make sure your lube is compatible with polyisoprene or polyurethane barriers.

    Here are some recommended flavored lubes from some of our Condom Monologuers. The Sexpert’s personal favorite is K-Y’s Your’s & Mine Kissables, strawberry & chocolate flavor. She also recommends any flavor of the Masque flavored gel strips that you put on your tongue before going down. Other condom monologuers love watermelon, sour apple and very berry. Writer Ams Sweiger also praises flavorless lubes- Ideally water-based, like Astoglide, because silicon can leave a funky aftertaste.

    2) Plastic Wrap

    Image from artindeepkoma, Flickr
    Image from artindeepkoma, Flickr

    (But not the microwaveable kind! That has holes which STIs and viruses can pass through). Plastic wrap comes lube-free but is compatible with all types of lubricant (oil, silicon and water-based), and it’s the least expensive of prophylactics. You can also easily cut it to the exact size and shape needed. This is a good solution for latex sensitive people who like lubricants and want safer cunnilingus (vulva oral sex; “eating out”) and analigus (anal oral sex; “rimming”). However, plastic wrap is not really recommended for effective protection when giving head (fellatio; “blow job”). Also keep in mind that plastic wrap tears more easily than other non-latex options, so be a bit more tender.

    The one flavored non-latex is…

    Well, vulvas and buttholes- it’s the Hot Dam! Banana is it’s flavor. However, it looks as though the manufacturer has stopped producing this version as we can’t confirm any retail site with them currently in stock! In other words, Hot Dams are available, but not necessarily with flavor.

    Help us update this post

    Have you come across any non-latex flavored barriers?  Do you have a favorite lubricant?  Post a comment or ask question below.

    This site contains affiliate links. When you purchase products through these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions help support our work in providing comprehensive sexual health information. We carefully select our affiliate partners and only recommend products we believe will be valuable to our readers. While we may receive compensation for purchases made through these links, this does not influence our reviews or recommendations. All opinions expressed are our own.
  • Dear Dental Dam,

    Dear Dental Dam,

    There is no way I am having you cover my vagina while my partner performs oral sex on me. It is simply not going to happen. I would rather have no oral sex at all, because you sound like torture, kind of like licking ice cream through the screen door.

    I am having this rant because my sex partner showed up armed to the hilt with condoms, lube and you for an evening of sex. You were a new addition to the safe sex practice because a counselor at the health center suggested you to him. Obviously, you have never covered that counselor’s vagina during oral sex.

    I have no sexually transmitted infections, other than HIV. My partner has no sexually transmitted infections and we are monogamous. The odds of him getting HIV from licking my vagina are about as great as being struck by a meteor. I am going to chance getting hit by a meteor. My partner is also happy to escape having to lick you- dental dam. Oral sex is the greatest pleasure and an alternative safe sex practice that does not involve you right now. Besides, I would never knowingly put someone at risk.

    My partner already had the discussion with the condoms about staying off his privates during oral sex, so why the hell would I want you covering my sensitive parts during oral sex and stifling my orgasms? The condoms are bad enough and that is as far as I am willing to go with safe sex practices with my partner. You are not going to take all the pleasure out of sex and intimacy for me. It is simply too much latex and makes no sense.

    I have always believed that a little common sense in each situation can go a long way. So you, dental dam, are going to be put in the bathroom drawer until further notice. I promise to seek you out if needed for some future date.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Monologues are independent personal stories. The opinions shared are the writer’s own.

    For information on HIV and safer sex practices we recommend these resource: The Sero Project. Rise Up to HIV. CareXO.comThe Body Q&A Forum. The Needle Prick ProjectBaseline Mag. Positive Lite Mag. Poz Mag. Just Get Tested. Connected Health Solutions. The Stigma Project. AIDS ACTION NOW. Act Up!. Testing Makes Us Stronger. and your local HIV/AIDS community center. Know your status.

    For more monologues follow us on Tumblr and FB.

    This site contains affiliate links. When you purchase products through these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions help support our work in providing comprehensive sexual health information. We carefully select our affiliate partners and only recommend products we believe will be valuable to our readers. While we may receive compensation for purchases made through these links, this does not influence our reviews or recommendations. All opinions expressed are our own.
  • GLYDE Vegan Condom Size Chart

    GLYDE Vegan Condom Size Chart

    Image from www.glydeamerica.com/
    Image from www.glydeamerica.com

    GLYDE has one major advantage on the market. These are the ONLY latex condoms and dams officially certified by the Vegan Society which means they are animal/dairy-free (no casein) and do not support animal testing. They’re also Fair Trade to help protect worker rights. Finally, GLYDE donates 15% of sales of its Red Ribbon condoms to AIDS councils (see GLYDE FAQ). So now you have even more reasons to feel great using these sex companions!

    GLYDE is a good option if you are sensitive to allergens. No gluten, paraben, spermicide, formaldehyde, talcum powder are used in the manufacturing process. The lubricant is silicon oil which is free of paraben and glycerin. Any water-based or oil-based lubricant is safe to use with GLYDE latex condoms and dams.

    Here we provide measurements for GYLDE. Most of the dimensions were found on the company website or by Undercover Condoms and Condom Jungle (UPDATE: Due to customer complaints, CondomJungle has stop supplying this brand).

    Dimensions are also listed on the packaging (would be nice if every company did that!). Some external links in this post are affiliate links that earn us a small commission.

    In general, GLYDE’s dimensions are between 7.1” (180mm) to 7.5 (190mm) long and 2.1” (53mm) to 2.2” (56mm) wide. This places GYLDE on the smaller end of “regular” condoms in the North American.

    For comparisons, check out our condom size calculator or fitting solutions guide list.


    GLYDE Sheer Flavored Dental Dams
    More information on the importance of protected oral sex.
    Made From organic fruit extracts; no synthetic flavors
    100% vegan
    Ultra thin and smooth
    Flavors include Vanilla/crème, strawberry/pink, wildberry/purple, cola/black
    10” x 6”/25cm x 15cm


    SNUG Fit

    GLYDE Slimfit
    The most snug 100% vegan condom on the market
    Base width: 1.9”/49mm
    Length: 6.7”/170mm
    Comes in natural transparent color, red color, or strawberry flavor


    GLYDE Ultra Premium
    100% vegan natural latex
    Transparent color, cylinder straight shape
    Base width: 2.1”/ 53mm
    Length: 7.1”/ 180mm

    GLYDE Sheer Flavored Condoms
    From organic fruit extracts; no synthetic chemicals
    No chemicals, parabens or spermicide
    Base width: 2.1”/53mm
    Length: 7.1”/180mm

    Flavors include…
    GYLDE Ultra Vanilla    GLYDE Ultra Strawberry    GLYDE Ultra Blueberry
    GLYDE Ultra Wild Berry GLYDE Ultra Black Licorice/Cola


    Image from GLYDE Condoms FB Page
    Image from GLYDE Condoms FB Page

    GLYDE Sampler Pack
    Don’t be shy, give new condoms a try!
    Pack includes most popular flavors: GLYDE Ultra Vanilla, Strawberry, Blueberry, Wildberry and
    GLYDE Slimfit

    LARGE Fit

    GLYDE Maxi Premium
    This condom offers a little more length and width than regular condoms
    Base width: 2.2”/56mm
    Length: 7.8”/200mm

    There is also a Maxi Red. 15% of sales for GYLDE Red Ribbons are donated to AIDS councils.

    GLYDE SuperMax
    The largest vegan condom on the market!
    Base width: 2.36”/ 60mm
    Length: 7.87”/200mm
    (Super Max is not yet available to buy from N. America)

    GLYDE Non-Latex

    GLYDE Unique
    GLYDE’s non-latex male condoms
    Seems to be available to buy from Australia only.
    Base width: 2.36”/ 60mm
    Length: 6.7”/ 170mm
    We’re dubious about these measurements as we have never seen such vast proportion of length and width before. Dimensions provided by GetPrice.com.au. If these measurements are true, this is the shortest, fattest condom available! We recommend contacting the manufacturer directly.

    Stay Updated!

    This size chart will be updated regularly and we will post as soon as more Glyde products become available in North America.  Follow us on twitter @condommonologue, like us on www.facebook.com/CondomMonologues, or sign up to our RSS feed.  You can always shoot us a question in the comment section below.

    Let us know what you think!  Have you tried Glyde condoms?

    This site contains affiliate links. When you purchase products through these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions help support our work in providing comprehensive sexual health information. We carefully select our affiliate partners and only recommend products we believe will be valuable to our readers. While we may receive compensation for purchases made through these links, this does not influence our reviews or recommendations. All opinions expressed are our own.